Does My Home Have Poor Air Quality in Concord, CA?
During the cold season, when you and your loved ones are more likely to stay inside, it’s essential to ensure you breathe clean air. Routine daily tasks like cleaning, cooking, spraying aerosols and burning candles can release volatile organic compounds that worsen indoor air quality (IAQ). Here’s how you can tell you have poor IAQ in Concord, CA:
More Visible Dust
Keep an eye out for more dust in the air and on common surfaces like your counters, shelves and tables. You may find particulates building up on your vents or filling your HVAC filters faster. Consider upgrading your air filters or investing in a whole-home air purification system for constant protection against contaminants.
Unexplained Illness Symptoms
When your family constantly breathes in pollutants, they can experience coughing, congestion, headaches, fatigue and dizziness. Those with asthma or allergies will struggle with more uncomfortable flare-ups.
Lingering Odors
Your home develops stale or stagnant air when it isn’t receiving enough ventilation. This air can worsen existing issues like microbial growth. If you’re noticing musty smells or unpleasant cooking or cleaning odors that linger for too long, you could have stagnant air issues.
Dry Skin
Air quality isn’t only about particles in the air but also includes the air’s moisture content. If the humidity is too low, your skin may feel dry, and your breathing may sound raspy. If this is the case, you may want to ask your service technician about a humidifier during a routine maintenance visit.
Living in a home with poor air quality impacts your family’s health and your comfort. Fortunately, there are many effective ways to improve your home’s environment, which includes installing air purifiers, UV lights and better filters. Contact Contra Costa Climate Control to ask about our high-quality IAQ solutions in Concord, CA.
Image provided by iStock
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