How Can I Know When My Heat Pump Needs Refrigerant?

Heat pumps require a proper refrigeration cycle to cool and warm your Danville, CA, home. This means that your heat pump might not function efficiently if it has a refrigerant leak. Learn about the following signs to spot heat pump refrigerant leaks.

Inefficient Performance

Low levels might cause other heat pump issues like inefficient performance. The unit might also be short cycling because the extra strain forces some heat pump components to overheat. If you notice rising energy bills, your heat pump might need refrigerant.

Frozen Evaporator Coil

You might notice icing on the heat pump’s evaporator coil if there’s a leak. The evaporator coil absorbs heat, so if the heat pump is low on refrigerant, the coils might lose their capability and freeze up. The best solution is to call a heating repair service technician to diagnose and fix the problem.

Low Output

You’ll know your heat pump needs refrigerant if its output is low. Low levels reduce your heat pump’s ability to fully heat your home in winter or cool it in summer. Hire a service technician to check on your heat pump if you notice low output.

Strange Noises

A difference in pressure between the outdoor air and compressor in your heat pump may cause gurgling sounds during a leak. You might not notice the faint bubbling or hissing noise if there are other noises, especially during the day. The gurgling noises become more audible during the night, which might point to low levels in your heat pump.

If you notice these signs of leaks, the first thing to do is to turn off the unit and contact an expert for repairs. Call Contra Costa Climate Control today for HVAC maintenance to ensure that your heat pump is at its optimal performance.

Image provided by iStock

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