Can Indoor Air Quality Impact My Business in Danville, CA?
As a business owner, you know there are any number of things that can impact your operations. That can include staffing issues or new rivals in your industry. Today’s competitive business environment is pushing business owners to explore all their options to gain an edge. One such option requires improving the indoor air quality of your business in Danville, CA. By doing so, your employees and customers breathe cleaner air in your commercial building. Read on to learn more.
IAQ Affects Absenteeism
Firstly, poor IAQ may lead to numerous negative health effects, including asthma and an increased incidence of respiratory illness. An ailing workforce will need to take more sick days. As a result, you’ll have less staff at work to run your business.
IAQ Affects Productivity
A recent study published in the Harvard Business Review found that breathing better air led to significantly better decision-making among workers. The study showed the greatest improvements in the ability to handle strategic decision-making and planning tasks.
Increasing indoor ventilation is a great way to increase the overall quality of the air in your business. Check out your options to enhance ventilation with a licensed commercial HVAC provider.
Cleaner Air Yields Business Benefits
Finally, the study referenced above also found that costs to double ventilation rates ranged from $1 to $40 per person per year, while enhanced productivity benefits averaged $6,500 per person per year. Additional benefits may include a reduction in absenteeism and enhanced employee satisfaction.
A business is only as strong as its workforce. Don’t let the quality of your air affect the health and productivity of your employees.
Call us at Contra Costa Climate Control today to discuss indoor air quality options. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will help you find the best solution to your indoor air quality issues. As a result, you’ll boost your business.
Image provided by iStock
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